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I want to express my sincere thanks for those taking an interest in my solar project. The very fact you pulled this up shows your concern for people upon this planet.
The reason I even made these inventions was squarely to show mankind there is another way than the 'dark energy'
we get from underground, often times at the expense of human life and the environment.
The great results regarding these inventions is that they will allow people to make their own energy, which will be
a dangerous threat to those who want us dependent on 'their' energy sources.
Not only did I include the patents, but also blueprints on how to make some of these devices.
While these words are dated, they still apply today; There is more 'interest' here NOW than in the past -
- and YOURS will always be appreciated. DO something that will help the solar revolution.
-Martin Nix/Solar Inventor
